Hair is the color of the shirt you’re wearing
Clothes are the color of your phone case
Eyes are the color of your underwear
Put your favourite emoji on their shirt
Give them:
A hat if you live in Europe
Earrings if you live in Americas
A scarf if you live in Asia
Glasses if you live in Australia
(and addition I’ve seen on someone’s profile: )
A necklace if you live in Africa
A bracelet if you live in Antarctica
środa, 28 lutego 2018
wtorek, 27 lutego 2018
poniedziałek, 26 lutego 2018
Kartka Świąteczna 2017 | Christmas Card 2017
(Zgadnijcie, kto zapomniał znowu o istnieniu tego bloga;;;;;; czas zakolejkować trochę kolejek)
(Guess who forgot all about this blog again;;;;; time to queue some queues)
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